Cancelation Policy
24 Hours to booking to appointment
If canceled within 24 hours of appointment, it is a full charge. Non refundable.
Please understand your booking takes away from another customer who could have booked, so if cancelled the same day it is treated as a booking.
Please understand your booking takes away from another customer who could have booked, so if cancelled the same day it is treated as a booking.
48 Hours since Booking Appointment
If cancelled within 48 hours or sooner, it is eligible for credit. This means it’s a cleaning credit applied to your account that can be used whenever you please.
Before your 48 Hour window
If you decide to cancel before the 48 hour window, you are eligible for an immediate full refund.
Canceling Membership
Roses are red and violets are blue, we hate to see you go. We will miss you. To cancel our membership please head to the “account” page on our website, login into your account. Find and “cancel my account” and submit a quick form to successfully cancel your clean. If further trouble please contact Support@THEMAIDISHERE.COM Or call us at 212-810-9835